Harley Mind Care

ADHD in Students


ADHD in Students

Students with ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, face unique challenges within educational environments. This condition manifests through ongoing difficulties with maintaining attention, managing impulses, focusing on tasks, and occasionally, excessive activity levels. To ensure these students thrive academically and maintain their well-being, it’s crucial to provide customised support. This includes adaptive learning techniques, specific accommodations to aid their learning process, and, where appropriate, a joint effort among teachers and parents to create a supportive educational journey.




Diagnosis Criteria


Similar Conditions



Embarking on a university journey is both exciting and demanding, especially for students with ADHD. The increased academic workload, transition to more autonomous study habits, and the experience of living independently for the first time can prove to be formidable challenges. For those who have not been diagnosed, the emotional toll can be significant, as they might not realise that their struggles stem from a disorder. At Harley Mind Care, we recognise that issues such as procrastination and trouble focusing in lectures could signal undiagnosed ADHD. This highlights the critical need for personalised support and increased awareness around the condition.

At Harley Mind Care, our psychiatrists carry a deep-seated expertise in caring for a wide array of patients, particularly focusing on students and individuals in the academic realm. The professionals at our clinic are skilled in detecting and managing the intricacies associated with undiagnosed neurodevelopmental conditions, including ADHD and Autism, among learners. Leveraging this extensive experience, we take pride in our ability to devise individualised treatment plans that are finely tuned to the distinct needs of students, ensuring they receive the most effective support at Harley Mind Care.

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